Friday, November 13, 2020

Overview and Building a Warband

Inquisimunda is a loose, homebrew ruleset reimagining the awesome 54mm Inquisitor game in the Necromunda system and scale. Using the fast and relatively simple Necromunda rules, warbands of rival Inquisitors, Chaos Cults, Adeptus Arbites and other innumerable forces can clash and encounters can be resolved without having to learn a new ruleset, build a board in a different scale or spend a fortune scouring the world for OOP 54mm miniatures. 

The basic idea is each player builds a small "warband" around their central character, who may well be an Imperial Inquisitor but could be any kind of important person in the 40K setting. A Chief Arbitrator of the Adeptus Arbites, a Chaos Magus, Rogue Trader with his own agenda, or even a particularly strong Gang Leader would all work as the central persona. 

Games can be played between two or more of these personalities, but could also involve a single player against an "NPC" horde of cultists or monsters. A Games Master should ideally be involved, to add some flavour to the game with objectives, interventions as required, and pushing forward the narrative. 

Narrative is the biggest driving force behind this iteration of Inquisimunda. Creating a cool team, working out their objectives and carrying out their missions is more important than blowing the enemy away. Building an unstoppable force can be cool, but giving yourself handicaps, playing in character and building relationships and rivalries with your fellow Inquisitors will work out the best for everyone. 

Freedom is also a driving force - we aim to make this version as open as possible, but if you come across something you want to develop, please bring it up! 

GM - Games Master 
Warband - the "Gang" of the Inquisitor
Inquisitor - refers to the "Gang Leader" of your warband, though you might choose something different.
Encounter - another way to refer to a game between two or more players


Bottle Tests, Nerve and Pinning
Ignore any reference to Bottling Out - your Inquisitor is a being of singular focus, and will not be frightened by losses. Equally, they are smart people and will know when to withdraw. You may still voluntarily flee the battlefield.

Note that any model may still become Broken as a result of a friendly model within 3" being Seriously Injured or taken Out of Action as usual.Models are also still Pinned when hit by enemy fire as usual.

Ammo Rolls
Despite Inquisitors and their retinues probably having better maintained equipment than an Underhive gang, there will be no changes to the ammo rules from the basic Necromunda rulebook. 

Experience and Advancements 
Many of your fighters will be decades old and veterans of untold horrors. Models do not gain Experience and Advancements in the standard way, but instead will receive rewards from the GM, perhaps for achieving objectives such as reading the forbidden Grimoire, capturing a high value target or playing in a characterful way. 

These remain, and are rolled for immediately, though the GM may wish to intervene for a more cinematic result. They could perhaps make the roll behind a screen! Recovery Tests for Seriously Injured are resolved as usual. Going into "Recovery" (and potentially missing the next game) will be resolved in a different manner, depending on the narrative time between encounters. 

Capturing Fighters 
Ignore the standard rules, instead the GM should make a decision on how and when a figure is Captured

Reputation and Rewards  
Inquisitors are not motivated by wealth, and their authority to make demands is absolute. Ignore references to earning credits and scenario rewards unless specified by the GM; if you wish to change or purchase something for your warband, discuss with the GM and make adjustments accordingly. As most scenarios will not be from the Rulebook, this should not be a major factor. 

Gang Tactics Cards
These cards will not be used as described in the Rulebooks. Instead, they might (might!) make an appearance as rewards from the GM for achieving a certain objective etc. This is not something set in stone at this stage. 


Several times in these rules there will be reference to Corruption Points. These have no written in-game effect at the moment, but should be recorded. The GM will decide any long term effects as players accrue more points - from attracting the attention of the authorities and Puritan Inquisitors, denying you access to certain allies such as Astartes, to making certain actions like summoning daemons easier. It's up to you if you want to tread the Radical path...

New Action: INTERACT (Basic Action - once per activation)
Rather than list a variety of different actions, this catchall term refers to things like parsing the forbidden book, interrogating the captured heretic, guessing the code for the self-destruct - actions not listed in the Necromunda rulebook. 

The majority of these Actions will require a test of a specific statistic such as Willpower or Intelligence, with a negative or positive modifier as dictated by the GM. For example, a character with an Intelligence of 7+ seeks to decipher ancient glyphs. The scenario dictates this have a difficulty of +3 - meaning they must roll 10 or more on two dice to pass the Intelligence test and succeed in the Interaction. 

In some cases, the amount you pass the test may influence how well things have gone - passing by a higher number may indicate you have translated more glyphs, or with fewer mistakes. 

The specific statistic to be used and the modifier suffered will be decided by the GM. 

Psychic Powers - please see the seperate, specific page on Psychic Powers.

Rapid Fire Weapons - unlike standard Necromunda, when firing a Rapid Fire weapon the Firepower Dice will be rolled first, and each individual shot is rolled for seperately. These shots may be split between multiple models as long as they are within 2" of each other, resolving modifiers (cover, range etc.) for each shot and target individually.  

Regardless of Skills or special equipment, a model that has moved during their Activation before firing a Rapid Fire weapon will suffer an addition -1 to hit on their shots. 

Blast Weapons
A weapon using a Blast Marker that is not targeting at a specific Fighter automatically scatters D6" in a random direction, as if it had missed. 

Falsehood (Wargear) 
When using this piece of equipment and benefitting from it, the model may not draw any other benefits from other members of the warband, such as the Overseer Skill etc. 


As powerful as they may seem, Inquisitors do not work alone. A network of agents and specialists operate alongside them and further afield, and the Inquisitor will have certain members he considers his core retinue, who will fight alongside him on most missions. You will build your retinue using the Necromunda sourcebooks.

Necromunda has quickly developed into a rather massive game, with dozens of items in the Trading Post drawn directly from the old Inquisitor rulebook, and many different profiles to match. Utilising this massive resource, you can create your character and his retinue - roughly three to six models each with their specialities and strengths. Ultimately the Inquisitor should be the most powerful chracter in the warband, but others could have a particular strength such as a powerful heavy weapon, or high aptitude for technology. 

There is no minimum size beyond the central character himself - you could run an Inquisitor alone if you choose! Equally, though there is no technical maximum, it is not recommended to exceed eight or nine, and many of those should not be too strong. Ignore any references to Gang Hierarchy etc.

You may choose to create characters and not bring them to every battle, but please keep track of their value and the overall warband Rating for balance purposes. This is the base cost, plus weapons, equipment and stat upgrades. The overall value of each character and the warband as a whole is important, so that some element of balance can be ascertained by the Games Master. Where "credits" is made reference to, this is because the Necromunda rulebook uses this metric. 

When constructing your warband, I recommend thinking of a concept, and even building the model, first! 

- Choose Base Character Profile
Once you have the member of your warband in mind, choose a base profile from ANY available in the entire Necromunda ruleset. For example, if you want to make a veteran Redemptionist, a Cawdor Champion may be a good place to start. 

Profiles with Skills included may select a Skill without paying the additional cost listed below, as it is assumed to be included in the base cost, though a model may choose any of the standard Skillsets without limitation, ignoring "Primary" and "Secondary" etc. 

Other Special Rules such as Inspiring Presence or Group Activations etc. remain as part of the profile. 

It is best not to choose any models with Wyrd powers due to the changes made to the Psychic Powers, as listed on that page. 

- Upgrade Stats and Skills
Characters do not have to come fresh out of the rulebook - these will be veterans of the Holy Ordos and already experienced unknown horrors. You may upgrade any models' stats, with costs paid for as follows - 

Improve Willpower or Intelligence by 1                 +10 credits
Improve Leadership or Cool by 1                           +10 credits
Improve Initiative by 1                                            +10 credits
Add 1" to Movement                                                +10 credits
Improve Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill by 1           +20 credits
Increase Strength or Toughness by 1                       +30 credits
Increase Wounds or Attacks by 1                             +45 credits
Choose one Skill from Rulebook Skillsets                +30 credits
Choose one Skill from Special Skillsets*                 +30 credits, or AS PRICED
Gain one Psychic Mastery Level                             +50 credits per Level, no maximum

* Special Skillsets include the specialist Skills created especially for this game shown below in the NEW SKILLS section, but also include the House-specific Skillsets introduced in the "House of..." books such as House of Chains. Skills created especially for this game may not be taken as the "free" Skills included in some profiles. 

Statistic increases can be taken as many times as you wish, though you may wish to look closely at the model to justify certain increases - an unenhanced human will not go beyond Movement six or three Wounds without some explanation such as bionics or gene-grafted muscles, etc. If in doubt, discuss with the GM.

Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill and Initiative cannot be improved beyond 2+
Leadership, Cool, Willpower and Intelligence cannot be improved beyond 3+

Unless relevant to the character, you should not use the House specific rules such as House Orlock Nicknames and House Goliath Gene-smithing. 

- Purchase Equipment
Any and all equipment from the various Necromunda sourcebooks is available to choose from, with the cost found in the sourcebooks. Default to the Trading Post if you find multiple prices for items - try to avoid the House-specific pricelists unless it is a unique item only found on that list. 

Characters may carry up to five weapons. Two-handed weapons count as two slots. 

Beware certain Illegal and Corrupt items such as Daemon weapons - these might not be appropriate for a Puritan Inquisitor! Characters starting with proscribed items may start with Corruption Points - something to discuss with the GM. 

Also, please consider how many heavy weapons and Plasma Guns your team needs to wield - the old Inquisitor game is always best for guidance and inspiration here. 

If in doubt, speak with the GM and the other players! 

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